Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Quite Possibly the Greatest Comment of the Month

...can be found over at Megan McArdle's blog where she's discussing what it's like to be at the Democratic National Convention (with equal feelings for the upcoming Republican one.
Sadly, I can't avoid watching them; it's my job. But the rest of you--save yourselves! Don't worry about me--I've got a .45 and a bottle of whiskey right here by my side for when it gets to be too much.
Here's the comment to read in all the replies to her post.
If they could replace the delegates with thousands of Chinese acrobats in identical costumes, it could rise to the level of pointless boringness on display during the opening/closing ceremonies.


Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, back before cable TV, and we could only reliably get two stations over the air, the political conventions meant about two weeks of *nothing* on TV other than political conventions. My brothers used to slowly run our TV through all the possible stations, praying that the atmospheric conditions were right for us to get some off-the-wall UHF station or maybe the CBC, because no matter how snowy, noisy, or horrible the picture was, it would be better than the endless horror that is a political convention. I got a lot of reading done in the evenings during the conventions.

DammitWomann said...

Too flippin funny!